Virginia PLA
Virginia Professional Liaison Association
Site sponsored by
Adolescent - Inpatient
AMFM- A Mission for Michael
MH Primary Residential Treatment
Washington, Texas
The Barry Robinson Center
Residential Treatment Center
Military-connected children and adolescents ages 11 through 17
Mental/Behavioral Health and co-occurring MH/substance use
Admissions: 757-455-6100
Toll Free: 1-800-221-1995
Lignum, VA
Teresa Bouthillier
Commonwealth ChalleNGe Youth Academy
A Free residential alternative education program for 16-18 years old
Virginia Beach, VA
Joshua Sheffield
Cumberland Hospital for Children and Adolescents
Hospital and Residential Program
New Kent, VA
Lori Fagan, MBA, Director of Business Development & Marketing
Office 804-966-1637
Cell 757-560-7297
Embark Behavioral Health- Local Brief Therapy
Intensive Outpatient, Residential and In-Home services for pre-teens & teens with mental health concerns.
7945 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 214, Cabin John, MD 20818
Tyson's Corner Location Opening 2021
Sabrina Hansen, Director of Professional Relations
Phone: 240.855.0104
Email: sabrina.hansen@embarkbh.com
Gift of Hope – Group Homes
ages 13 to 18, stepping down from a level C residential facility or for adolescents, who may be in a foster home, where their behaviors cannot be managed and more intensive therapeutic services and supervision is required to maintain the adolescent’s safety; providing outpatient therapy, family therapy (when appropriate) daily psychoeducation groups, connection to psychiatric medication management, some independent living skills, Yoga Therapy, Equine Therapy, and opportunities for recreational activities within the community
Roanoke, Virginia
Wendel Cook, Program Manager
(540) 776-2858
Hallmark Youthcare
Secure Residential Treatment Center
Ages 11-17
Residential General Psych Program, Male and Female 11-17; TSAY program (Treatment for Sexually Acting Out Youth), Males 12-17; ASAM Certified Substance Abuse program, Male and Female 11-17; Assessment and Diagnostic program, Male and Female 11-17; TEC (Treatment for Exploited Children), Female 11-17.
12800 West Creek Parkway, Richmond, VA
Gregg Ferguson, Community Liaison
Vassanthi Griffis, Director of Business Development
vassi.griffis@hallmarkyouthcare.com -
Admissions: 804-784-6432
Harbor Point Behavioral Health Center
Secured RTC; Ages 11 - 17; programming for youth experiencing emotional, psychiatric and educational difficulties; Offering specialty programs for youth with complex issues; Wings for girls ages 13 - 17- trauma history with self-destructive, impulsive and self-injurious behaviors; BSPE for sexually reactive males, age of 13-17 addressing delinquency, sexual offense, sexually reactive behaviors and MH disorders; Assessment & Diagnostic Program for ages 11 -17 with a comprehensive. Multi-systemic diagnostic evaluation to determine recommendation and treatment options. All programs serve youth with an IQ of 70 and above.
Portsmouth, VA
Michelle Laskey, Director of Business Development
(757) 391-6547
Jackie Burke, Community Liaison
or Admissions
(757) 391-5927
Intercept Health
Statewide services include: Community Based services, School Based Behavioral Health Services, TFC, Assessment and Diagnostic 90 day Group Homes, Group Homes, Independent Living, IOP-Roanoke only.
5511 Staples Mill Road, Suite 102
Richmond, VA 23228
Kyle McMahon
Midwest Center for Youth and Families
DBT immersion residential treatment for 10-18 year olds
National program based in Kouts, IN
Stacy Adagio
Cell: 703.244.2384
Admissions: 888.629.3471
Newport Academy
MH, SU and co-occurring; Residential ages 12-20
Carolyn Probizansky, MA, Clinical Outreach Specialist, VA
North Spring Behavioral Healthcare
Behavioral Healthcare Provider for Children & Adolescents with a Residential Treatment Center, Inpatient Acute Hospital, Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) and an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) on its’ campus.
Leesburg, Virginia
Christy Evans, Director of Business Development
Jonas Vesterlund, Community Liaison
Poplar Springs Hospital
350 Poplar Drive, Petersburg, VA 23805
Specializes in a full continuum of care for
Adolescent (Ages 11-17) MH Inpatient Acute & Residential Treatment, specializing in significant behavioral and mental health, co-occurring (mental health, substance use) treatment, A&D
Destiny Simon
Lauren Mullins
PSH Intake: 866-546-2229
24/7 Admissions; accept most major insurances, Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare.
Sandstone Care
Teen & Young Adult Treatment Programs
(Extended Care Residential, PHP, IOP, OP)
Rockville, MD / Denver & Boulder, CO
Drew Powers, CAI-II, CSAC-A
Direct: 240-428-2713
The Hughes Center
Residential Treatment Center for Children/Adolescents with Autism or ID
Danville, VA
Alison Waymouth
Youth for Tomorrow, Inc.
Residential Treatment Center
Medicaid, CSA, Tricare, and Insurance Funded
Children ages 12-17- Mental/Behavioral Health and co-occurring MH/substance use, Mommy & Me Pregnant Teen Program up to Age 19, GOAJ- Female Sex Trafficking Program, Substance Abuse, Male Sexually Reactive Treatment
Bristow, VA
Admissions: 703-659-9951
Admissions- Intake Director: D_Jones@yftva.com